If you are in English language learner seeking confidence and improved fluency, we can assess your needs and immediately apply practical techniques to meet your goals. 

The students’ academic and professional objectives drive the design of my English language learning (ELL) courses. The lessons are interactive, structured, and practical. Through collaboration, we integrate our goals and our experience to explore learning strategies, relevant materials, task-based activities, supportive feedback and more. 

My students, colleagues, and clients are culturally and linguistically diverse. Over the years, I have been fortunate to teach at universities, colleges, corporations, language schools, government agencies, and community outreach settings. 

With great pleasure, I began teaching English language learners in 1999, and gratefully joined The New School’s English Language Studies department ESL faculty in 2001.

For more information about The New School’s Intensive English Program or Parsons The New School for Design ESL courses, contact ELSC@newschool.edu or contact me for direction at contact@theresabreland.com